Seonwoo Min
Applied Scientist, Amazon
seonwoo.min0 [AT]
Academic Activities
Curriculum Vitae
Previous News
[Sep 2022] Two papers were accepted to NeurIPS 2022 (
[Jul 2022] One paper was accepted to ECCV 2022 (
[Dec 2021] I gave an invited talk on
Protein Language Models
at Open Tech Seminar of
LG AI Research
[Oct 2021] One paper was accepted to Bioinformatics (
[Oct 2021] I'm officially married! I'm incredibly grateful and look forward to a future filled with cherished moments together!
[Sep 2021]
One paper
was accepted to Nature Communications.
[Sep 2021] Our DSAIL team won first place (6/4-lead) and second place (12/3/2-lead) awards in
PhysioNet Challenge
[Aug 2021] I started working as a Research Scientist at
Fundamental Research Laboratory, LG AI Research
[Aug 2021] I finished my Ph.D. at Seoul National University! It's bittersweet to leave SNU after 10.5 years (including my B.S. years).
[Aug 2021] One paper was accepted to IEEE Access (
[Jun 2021] I was nominated as a candidate for
Schmidt Science Fellowship
[Jun 2021]
One paper
was accepted to CinC 2021.
[May 2021] One paper was accepted to PLOS ONE (
[Mar 2021]
One paper
was accepted to Current Protocols.
[Jan 2021] I received
BK21 Plus Outstanding Researcher Award
[Feb 2021] It was my last month receiving
Global Ph.D. Fellowship
. I'm so thankful for the 5-year support!
[Jan 2021]
One paper
was accepted to Cell.
[Aug 2020]
One paper
was accepted to TCBB.
[Aug 2020]
One paper
was accepted to Nature Biotechnology.
[Jun 2020]
One paper
was accepted to CinC 2020.
[May 2020]
One paper
was accepted to Nature Biotechnology.
[Apr 2020]
One paper
was accepted to Nature Biotechnology.
[Jan 2020] I will be serving as a Chief Graduate Student for 2020 in
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
[Dec 2019]
One paper
was accepted to Nature Biomedical Engineering.
[Oct 2019]
One paper
was accepted to Science Advances.
[Oct 2019]
National R&D Excellence Top 100 Award
[Sep 2019]
One paper
was accepted to IEEE Access.
[Sep 2019]
received Travel Award at NeurIPS 2019 LMRL Workshop.
[Apr 2019] I was selected for the Capability Enhancement Program 2019, awarded to the top 10% of
Global Ph.D. Fellows
[Jan 2019] I will be serving as an Assistant Chief Graduate Student for 2019 in
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
[Dec 2018] I won Graduate Student of the Year Award from
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
[Dec 2018]
BRIC Research Excellence Top 5 Award
[Dec 2018]
Our paper
Outstanding Highly-cited Paper Award
from ECE Department, SNU.
[Dec 2018] As
Head TA
, I received Distinguished TA Award from Innovation Center for Engineering Education, SNU.
[Nov 2018] I received Nomination Award from
Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship
[Jun 2018] I gave an invited talk on
IEIE Summer Conference 2018
[Jun 2018] I gave an invited talk on
KCC 2018
[Apr 2018] I was selected for the Capability Enhancement Program 2018 awarded to the top 10% of
Global Ph.D. Fellows
[Oct 2016] I was selected as a recipient of
Global Ph.D. Fellowship
. I'm so excited for the 5-year scholarship!
[Dec 2017] One paper was accepted to Nature Biotechnology (
[Dec 2017]
Our paper
received Highly-cited Paper Paper Award from Briefings in Bioinformatics, Oxford University Press.
[Oct 2017]
Our paper
received Travel Award at NeurIPS 2017.
[Sep 2017] One paper was accepted to NeurIPS 2017 (
[Sep 2017] I gave an invited talk on
the review paper
Korea Institute of Radiology & Medical Sciences
[Apr 2017] I gave an invited talk on
Neural DUDE
Bioinformatics Institute of Seoul National University
[Dec 2016] I gave an invited talk on
the review paper
Laboratory of Genome Editing, Yonsei University
[Aug 2016] One paper was accepted to NeurIPS 2016 (
[Jun 2016]
One paper
was accepted to Briefings in Bioinformatics!
[Feb 2015] It was my last month receiving
National Science Scholarship
. I'm so thankful for the 4-year support!
[Feb 2015] I completed my mission as a Captain of
Seoul National University Ski Team
! I'm very thankful and proud of the team!
[Feb 2015] As a member of
SNU Ski Team
, I won both Gold Award (Individual) & Silver Award (Team) at
KUSTA Championship